Thursday 12 July 2012


Chick Flicks.. Pink-lover (yes, the colour) and a RED blog template = Romantic? Um.. perhaps. But did you know that "Romance" had a whole different meaning to it.. other than LOVE. Well, I was educated about this only a while back. It refers to anything that's fanciful and "too good to be true" = IMAGINARY. 

Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm at a juncture where reality merges with fantasy. I wish it were a chick-flick. But, No-sire! Nightmare is more like it. You know those weird dreams that spoil your day.. the ones you don't remember or always do. Yes, that terrible.. ghastly feeling of the unknown. I love horror and am pretty creative. So, my imagination gets the worst of me! 

OK. No more Drama. 

My English teacher once quoted Mr. Wordsworth's line in class. "Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings." I can't agree more. Poetry has been a pal to me! 

May I elaborate? I'm taking that as a YES. =D 

Would my love for knowledge cost me my thoughts? 
Would it mean I'd have to strip myself of my passions? 
Or, would it mean something more.. 

A gigantic heap of questions and cases,
Stare at me as I gaze upon life's choices.
Solved or just not attempted, respectively. 

Fear of failure plagues my existence. 
Failure of my inability to see beyond.
The light I seek as I dwell in the shadows,
The shadows of my own confusion. 

And as I go astray.. farther away from reality and into gloom..
I hear the sound of the sparrows, 
Chirping.. A reminder I assume..
While they are provided for everyday,
Would I not be? 

If my passion, belief and hard work 
Accompanied my actions..
Would I not reap what I sow? 
Or, would I just need a high score?

As day breaks upon the horizon,
And the sun welcomes the moon..
I find comfort in hope..
The hope of seeing that colourful rainbow
After the raging storm of despair. 

Some call it Faith.. Some Optimism. 
I call it Woe-mance..
Love your Foes and cheat on your woes. 


  1. Man, ur the best.... Seriously I'm not exaggerating,
    Th poetry- too good man


    1. Thanks man.. But I'm not the best. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it though. =)
